A downloadable game

Download NowName your own price

Play as different characters whose lives are filled with crime, sex & love. You will be able to control the outcomes of the various situations they encounter as you explore a vast world of possibilities.


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

Cuss-0.6.0-android.zip 246 MB
Cuss-0.6.0-mac.zip 232 MB
Cuss-0.6.0-pc.zip 267 MB

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Dead Game....?

You do realize the android download wont work because its a zip file not an apk


Unzip. How do you not have an app that unzips?

don't work

Hi. What exactly doesn't work?

The game simply does not launch, I press "launch", search and... nothing

Did you open the cuss.exe file?

oh, thanks is working 

(2 edits)

You're welcome👊Tell me what you think after playing 🙂